Local Business looks after the needs of over half a million small business clients across the UK and manages these relationships via a network of 1600 local business managers. Barclays has long been a committed developer of its people and in Local Business this takes on particular importance given the scale of the operation and the significant service expectations of its customers.

We have worked with Positive Momentum over a number of years and we are consistently delighted with the energy, enthusiasm and passion that they bring to their work with us and the resulting benefits this delivers to our people. We would highly recommend the team to anyone looking to deliver a genuinely inspirational and memorable experience for their employees.
John Davis Marketing Director, Local Business
What did the client need?
On an annual basis, around 30 Local Business managers are selected for a talent development programme called The Elite programme. Participants are selected on the basis of outstanding sales and service performance and their potential for future growth within the organisation. Several external suppliers are engaged in the delivery of thought provoking and inspiring material that is intended to capitalize on the potential of these individuals.
How did it work
Over a nine month period the group attends 5 separate events that include both advanced skills development training as well as project based work that test their skills with real business chal-lenges. These include a project of current business importance where the groups’ recommenda-tions will likely be implemented and also an ‘Apprentice’ style charity challenge, where small groups compete against each other to raise as much money in a one-day period as they can through commercial endeavours.
What did Positive Momentum do?
- Designed and delivered an inspiring launch event that helped the delegates to improve their influencing and goal setting skills
- Delivered the presentation skills element of the programme and prepared the delegates to deliver a compelling presentation to the Local Business executive
- Facilitated the teams in the effective creation and project management of their charity fundraising project
- Delivered the final session of the programme helping the delegates to consolidate their learning and plan for the next stage of their future
What were the results?
The Elite team have worked on three critical projects for Local Business. They are delighted that in all cases recommendations from the teams have been taken forward and in many cases have already delivered significant benefit for the business. They are confident that the input from Positive Momentum has had a material effect on the quality of these recommendations and in particular, the way they were presented to a small team of senior Local Business Stakeholders including the Managing Director.